"Cian" is a Slúagh, an Aos Sidhe that works as a vessel for the restless dead. After a bloody battle between the Gaelic tribes, so many spirits came to inhabit his body, so many names, histories and identities that it has become incomprehensible; he no longer knows who he is, if he was ever anyone. All he knows is what all of the souls have in common; that he was a warrior, that he swore an oath to protect those he loves, and that is all.He woke up in the fairy mounds, which had become a blood-soaked battlefield that penetrated the soil, completely nude with only war paint on his body. A group of grave robbers took pity on him and clothed him, but Cian was quick to leave. He knew he had something to do, some duty to fulfill, but he didn't know what. And so, he had his feet take his body where they would, an began to wander aimlessly.


GenderMale (he/him)
AgeMid 20s?

( art by salt weave )

A strange, Gaelic stranger who appears almost human, though despite his frequent travels through the wilds, his rich red hair is somehow always pristine. So is his pale skin, which seems to have the same subtle glow as snow reflecting sunlight even when marked by dirt. His eyes at first glance seem to be hazel, but looking closer, they're the golden color of honey.He does not know who he is or the exact village he's from, and when he lingers in any place for so long, the plants seem to wilt and animals grow weak, humans included.




✦ False Life – He has the ability to animate armor, weapons and clothes by giving them names. These objects are not given any will of their own and are more so given commands that they follow, and will stay stagnant until told otherwise. He can only animate single-handled weapons like maces, spears and swords, since weapons that require multiple hands and parts (like bows and arrows) or even multiple people (catapults and cannons) are too complex. He must touch the object, armor set or outfit to begin controlling it, and after that it can’t leave his sight. He can control four weapons at a time and one suit of armor or outfit.
✦ Haunt of Battlefields – Just like soil feeds the plants and carrion feeds the animals, he is empowered by the presence of death. This is a passive ability that activates in specific locations. His magic and body are more powerful in graveyards, active battlefields and historic sites where mass-death has taken place. It also increases his dexterity and pain tolerance while sharpening his senses. The smell of blood or places where a death has happened within the last week gives him a very minor boost, but not by much. This also gives him a “death sense,” where he can physically feel if someone has died nearby in the last 10 days or if he's standing in an area where a mass death took place.
✦ Murder of Crows – He can take the form of a murder of Crows. Self-explainatory.
✦ Death-Presence – When he lingers in an area for too long, living things around him weaken.
✦ Deathly Divination – He has extremely vague visions of future deaths, ones that only sharpens into certainty minutes before it happens.
✦ Soul Absorption – Restless souls take residence in his body, and he "becomes" them, in a way. They have influence over his thoughts, actions, and very sense of self. For example, he identifies as a man because most of the souls in him are men. They only leave after their business is done with, and when they do, he loses a part of himself as well.
✦ Weapon Proficiency — he's skilled with swords, halberds and shields.